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- , St. Pölten UAS - A.0.11 Small Assembly Hall (Building A) OR online via Zoom Future Tech Bootcamp

The focus of the Creative Media Summer School is on artistic practice, creative processes, technical execution and theoretical reflection on various topics relating to media & digital technologies​.

Themenschwerpunkt: Digitale/Grüne Kompetenzen

Within the framework of this workshop, top industrial companies facilitate the entry into the joint CO-creation process by inviting and supporting innovative makers – start-ups, SMEs, freelance developers, students and pupils – bringing together the different fields of expertise.


26. Juni 2023 8:15 - 30. Juni 2023 18:00
7. Mai 2023
St. Pölten UAS - A.0.11 Small Assembly Hall (Building A) OR online via Zoom
Industry Meets Makers
Termin in meinen Kalender eintragen

Weiterführende Informationen

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Creative Media Summer School statt.

Within the framework of this workshop, top industrial companies facilitate the entry into the joint CO-creation process by inviting and supporting innovative makers – start-ups, SMEs, freelance developers, students and pupils – bringing together the different fields of expertise.

What will be developed?

  • Solutions for specific problems or current challenges of the industry
  • New application options or business areas for existing products, solutions or ideas
  • Ideas for innovative products, solutions or business models with future potential


  • Video conference-capable laptop
  • Internet access
  • Enthusiasm for innovation and experimentation

Parts of this workshop are carried out using the online tool Zoom. Further information regarding the tool and its privacy protection statement can be found here.

The best results will be rewarded – depending on the different briefing concepts and profiles of the participating makers and industrial companies – and then collaboratively further developed.


FH Prof. Dipl.—Ing. Dr. Franz Fidler
Tel.: +43/2742/313 228 650
M: +43/676/847 228 650