The Federal Minister of Economy established the Austrian National Accreditation Body "Akkreditierung Austria" as a separate department in the Ministry. The single Austrian National Accreditation Body (NAB) is tied into the network of accreditation activities at the international level.

The exchange of goods and services is a common objective for the single European market and for global trade. With the movement of goods and the provision of services being liberalised to a far-reaching extent, concomitant measures are required to ensure the quality of the goods being brought to market and of the services being provided. A recognised system of testing, calibration and certification (conformity assessments) offers reassurance that the products being marketed and the services being provided comply with the harmonisation requirements of the European Community.
Accreditation is the formal recognition by a relevant body (accreditation body) that a conformity assessment body meets the particular requirements applying to that body in terms of qualification and equipment and may thus be deemed competent. It is becoming increasingly apparent that accreditation is a necessary prerequisite for successfully competing at the international level.
The basis of accreditation in Austria is the Regulation (EC) 765/2008. The Accreditation Act 2012 (Accreditation Act 2012 (PDF, 32 KB)) supplements the requirements of Regulation (EC) 765/2008 and designates the Federal Minister of Economy as responsible for accreditation for Austria. The Federal Minister of Economy established the Austrian National Accreditation Body "Akkreditierung Austria" as a separate department in the Ministry.
The single Austrian National Accreditation Body (NAB) is tied into the network of accreditation activities at the international level.
Akkreditierung Austria
- accepts the accreditation bodies in line with Regulation (EC) 765/2008 and Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs), which have been accredited by them as equivalent to the CABs accredited by Akkreditierung Austria
- accepts that all accredited activities performed by CABs accredited by EA MLA signatories, which have signed the MLA for the relevant activity, as covered by the MLA
- accepts reports, certificates and other similar documents from CABs within the scope of accreditation, which are accredited by a EA NAB, as equally reliable and equivalent to such documents from CABs, witch are accredited by Akkreditierung Austria
- recognises in the same way the rules of the ILAC/IAF MLMRAs
Through their originators' accreditation status, calibration certificates, testing and inspection reports and certifications issued by Austrian Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) enjoy equal status with their non-Austrian equivalents within the European Union and by the international MLMRAs with ILAC, IAF and EA worldwide.
As "Akkreditierung Austria" is only accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)
- legally established in Austria and
- with their headquarter for the accredited activity in Austria
this website only contains basic information for foreign users in English.
A broad range of in-depth information is available in German language under Akkreditierung.