Priority in 2020 - digitalisation and entrepreneurial responsibility within the scope of the OECD Guidelines
Digitalisation causes not just far-reaching changes in the business and work context but affects the entire society. Technical developments harbour opportunities and openings, as well as challenges and risks. In periods of upheaval, it is essential to handle change with responsibility. Austrian enterprises are fully aware of their responsibilities and have developed concepts for entrepreneurial responsibility and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These concepts are assessed in the light of digital transformation.
Within the scope of a project on “Digitalisation and entrepreneurial responsibility: the role of the OECD Guidelines”, the Austrian National Contact Point (NCP) will assess the mutual impact of digitalisation and entrepreneurial responsibility within the meaning of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, one of the most important standards for internationally active businesses. For this purpose, topical discussions and concepts dealing with entrepreneurial responsibility and digitalisation will be highlighted. Emphasis will also be given to the extent to which the OECD Guidelines may serve as a safety fence for digital change.
An important aspect is providing an exchange with and between the various groups of stakeholders. The aim is to discuss the specific needs, ideas and requirements of each stakeholder group and embed them in an overall setting. In this context, experts from business, labour and civil society are to develop and discuss challenges, opportunities and approaches in three roundtables. Moreover, we plan roundtables for experts from business, labour and civil society (dates will be notified later, given the COVID-19 crisis), and a multi-stakeholder forum on 22 October 2020.
Contact Information:
Mario Micelli
Austrian NCP for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
Telephone: (+43) 1 711 00-805240 or 805050
Fax: (+43) 1 711 00-8045050