Start-up Council
The Start-up Council as a body of experts from the start-up ecosystem aims to improve the economic conditions for start-ups and innovative companies in Austria. The Council’s focal point is particularly committed to the increased mobilisation of private capital and process facilitation. It emphasises the importance of the innovative ecosystem, which contributes significantly to strengthening the business location through disruptive solutions. The Council is in close cooperation with the innovative ecosystem (e.g. start-ups, business angels, VC funds, accelerators/incubators), interest groups and political leaders and decision-makers. The Council acts as an independent advisory body to the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy.

The members of the Start-up Council are (in alphabetical order):
- Rudolf Dömötör, Director WU Entrepreneurship Center and ECN (Entrepreneurship Center Network)
- Claudia Falkinger, Co-Founder & CSO Punkt vor Strich
- Stefan Haubner, Founding Partner APEX Ventures
- Laura Raggl, Managing Partner ROI Ventures
- Markus Raunig, Chairman at AustrianStartups
- Werner Wutscher, Founder New Venture Scouting