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Labour Law

Labour law regulates all legal issues related to employment relationships. Its basis is the employment contract, which has to be concluded within the framework of labour law provisions (legislation, regulations, collective agreements and company agreements).

Employment Contract Law

Individual employment law includes all legal provisions that regulate the legal relationship between employees and employers. These include, for example, the rights and duties laid down in an employment contract. There are laws that apply to all employees, such as the Holidays Act. However, there are also laws that refer to specific employment relationships or occupational groups.

Occupational Health and Safety

The field of occupational health and safety includes all regulations that protect the lives and health of workers.

Collective Labour Law

Collective labour law covers those legal provisions, which regulate the relationship between unions and works’ councils on the one hand and employers and their associations on the other.

The most important law is the Labor Constitutional Act. This regulates the legal basis for collective agreements (collective shaping of the law) and the tasks and powers of the works’ council (industrial constitution law).

Last update: 4 June 2024