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Labour Market Data

The analysis, forecasting and research team (APF) of the Labour Market division of the Federal Ministry provides current labour market information and labour market databases.

Labour Market Databases

The online labour market information system (AMIS) of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy contains information on unemployed people, training attendances at the Public Employment Service (AMS), employment, job market, apprenticeship, international unemployment rates, and population statistics.

AMIS contains two different modules:

Module 1: AMIS Database

The online database search system essentially contains the opportunity to combine the data published by the Federation of Social Insurance Institutions on employment with that of the AMS on unemployment.

It also provides data on self-employment according to the AMS Data Warehouse as well as unemployment rates according to EUROSTAT and the population statistics of Statistics Austria.

The data are partially available as tables in standard formats, but above all, it can be accessed in a free search and as time series. The database is maintained by the APF Team of the Labour Market Division of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

Module 2: AMIS Tables

This module provides ready-made tables on the current labour market and economic situations, overviews of the development of benefit recipients and the finances of the unemployment insurance system, as well as key labour market policy figures and a separate collection of data on the field of foreign citizens in the Austrian labour market.

The ongoing updates of these tables depend on the availability of the underlying data. Those tables, which contain the current month’s employment data (in the categories of General Labour Market Data, Youth, Older People, and Foreign Citizens), are updated when the final employment data of the Federation of Social Insurance Institutions on employment is available (usually around the 20th of the following month).

Labour Market Data of the Public Employment Service

The Public Employment Service (AMS) publishes current labour market data and information about the labour market.

Last update: 4 June 2024