175 years of the Ministry of Economy
The history of the Ministry of Economy started 175 years ago, during the turbulent times of the Revolution of 1848.
Celebration of the Jubilee

To celebrate the Jubilee Federal Minister of Labour and Economy Martin Kocher invited many guests into the Government Building at Stubenring. Among the many guests of honour were former Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel as well as the former Ministers of Economy Hannes Farnleitner, Reinhold Mitterlehner, Margarete Schramböck, Norbert Steger and Elisabeth Udolf-Strobl.
Video: "175 years of the Ministry of Economy"
Watch a short history of the Ministry of Economy. (in German with English subtitles)
Publication "175 years of the Ministry of Economy"

The history of the Ministry of Economy started 175 years ago. From its inception in the 19th century through to our modern day and age, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy has become a cornerstone of Austrian economic policy. This historical review presents the exciting story of the Ministry of Economy.
Further information
Further information about our Ministry and the 175-year-Jubilee in German