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Hydrogen Strategy for Austria

The joint Hydrogen Strategy for Austria, developed by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, lays the foundation for building an innovative and focused hydrogen economy in Austria. Climate-neutral hydrogen is considered a cornerstone for achieving climate neutrality in Austria and can make a significant contribution to fulfilling European energy and climate goals as well as the Paris Climate Agreement.

Due to its wide range of applications, climate-neutral hydrogen can help support the energy transformation, particularly in sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as energy-intensive industries, specific areas of mobility, and the energy system.

The Hydrogen Strategy for Austria establishes goals, such as strengthening Austria's position as a hub for economy and technology through the focused development of hydrogen technologies, building 1 GW of electrolysis capacity by 2030, forming international partnerships and developing infrastructure suitable for hydrogen, among others. Additionally, eight action areas have been outlined in order to support the national hydrogen rollout and ensure the efficient use of climate-neutral hydrogen.

Hydrogen Strategy for Austria - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (PDF, 2 MB)

In the years to come, it will be crucial to support enterprises in their transformation efforts, which is why there are numerous available subsidies in the hydrogen sector (for more information, see Subsidies HyPA).

Hydrogen Partnership Austria (HyPA)

To accompany the implementation of the Hydrogen Strategy and ensure a regular dialogue between stakeholders and decision-makers, the Hydrogen Platform ‘Hydrogen Partnership Austria’ (HyPA) was established by Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the State of Tyrol. The aim is to consolidate the expertise and activities of research, industry, and the energy sector, and to strengthen cooperation and information exchange among actors from various fields.

More information on HyPA can be found at:


Unit Economic aspects of the global energy transition