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The Labour Market – EU and International

The strategies are summarised under the menu item European labour market policy. The European Social Fund and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund are described in greater detail here.

Report on European Labour Markets

The concepts and guidelines of the European Union influence Austrian labour market policy. Austria has to set national targets in order to fulfil the specifications of the Europa 2020 growth strategy. The European employment strategy aims to create more and better jobs.

The European Commission publishes an annual report on Employment and Social Developments in Europe.

Alongside an overview of European labour markets, the social situation and current developments, the report includes several main focuses. It also highlights the connection between employment and social policy. 

The report is only available in English. Information in German on the European labour markets can be viewed on the website of the European Commission.     

European Territorial Cooperation and the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region

Since the mid-1990s until now, the Labour Market Division of the Ministry has been cooperating with Austria’s neighbouring countries on all issues related to labour market policy.

In mid-2011, the Member States of the European Union adopted a Strategy for the Danube Region, in which 14 states participate: Germany (the lander of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria (EU Member States) as well as Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (four administrative divisions). The Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW) acts as the Priority Coordinator for the area of People and Skills of the Strategy.

This work is carried out in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The Danube Regional Programme supports the realisation of the strategy in a project in which the BMAW acts as the project leader.

Extensive information on the Danube Region Strategy can be viewed on the website of the European Commission and at

Cooperative Projects Between Austria and Other States

Cross-border labour market cooperation between Austria and its neighbours already has a long tradition. For more than two decades now, Austria has offered its outstanding expertise in labour market policy to other states within the framework of multi-year cooperation projects, where a transfer of expertise takes place within the framework of conferences, seminars and workshops. Visiting best-practice projects rounds off the programme.

Last update: 4 June 2024