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photo: BMobV / Hofmobiliendepot /Marianne Haller

The Imperial Furniture Collection (Hofmobiliendepot – Möbel Museum Wien) and Silver Collection (Silberkammer), run by the Bundesmobilienverwaltung along scientific and conservationist lines, provides a good insight into the collection and the conservation skills of the Agency’s workshops.

Kabinettschrank Augsburg
photo: BMobV / Hofmobiliendepot / Fritz Simak

The Silver Collection offers an excellent understanding of centuries of fine dining, whereas the Furniture Collection showcases court furniture fashions from the Baroque to the end of the Monarchy as well as a unique overview of the history of Viennese furniture design in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Special-interest topics are scientifically studied in temporary exhibitions and their findings published in an in-house scientific series.

Thonet Stuhl Nr. 14
photo: BmobV / Hofmobiliendepot / Fritz Simak

In addition to the house museums, the Agency prepares exhibits for an international audience at many cultural locations of the Republic, such as Schönbrunn and the Hofburg in Innsbruck.

Given the sheer scope of its collection, the Bundesmobilienverwaltung is much in demand as a partner for cultural and design exhibitions in Austria and abroad. 

