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Preserving and maintaining

  photo: BmobV / Hofmobiliendepot / Edgar Knaack

The collection consists of about 60,000 pieces of furniture and some 120,000 items assembled by the former court silver and tableware chamber.

Giuseppe Maggiolini, Schreibtisch für Maria Theresia, Mailand um 1770
  photo: BmobV / Hofmobiliendepot / Lois Lammerhuber

In order to preserve and safely store the collection, the depots are kept in a scientifically and technologically state-of-the art environment. The items are continuously monitored for their conservation status, kept under scientific observation and, if necessary, restored in the internal workshops.

Wiege für Kronprinz Rudolf
  photo: BmobV / Hofmobiliendepot / Marianne Haller

For their efficient management, the items and any change in them are digitally stored in a database, which records any change in their position or condition. In this way, a detailed biography is available for each item just a few mouse clicks away.

