Cross-border services
In case you wish to practice your profession in the field of a non-regulated trade in Austria, you may provide temporary and occasional services under the same conditions as Austrian nationals (no notification is required).
In case your activity is in the field of a regulated trade – your service can be provided temporarily and occasionally if:
- you have a legal establishment in an EU Member State or an EEA Contracting State with comparable regulated services that you would like to provide in Austria,
- the relevant activity is regulated or
- you have provided the service in the State of establishment at least one year during the last ten years.
In this case you have to submit a notification to the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy. The notification forms you find bellow, all forms are available in german language only.
Application/notification forms (in german only):
- Online Formular "Grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungen in Österreich" - Anzeige über die Erbringung (§ 373a Abs. 4 GewO 1994)
- Form: Anzeige über die Erbringung grenzüberschreitender Dienstleistungen in Österreich (für juristische Personen) (PDF, 910 KB)
- Form: Anzeige über die Erbringung grenzüberschreitender Dienstleistungen in Österreich (für physische Personen) (PDF, 880 KB)
- Beilage 1 (PDF, 93 KB)
- Beilage 2 (PDF, 56 KB)
- Form: Jährliche Erneuerung der Anzeige über die Erbringung grenzüberschreitender Dienstleistungen (PDF, 868 KB)